

The SCI-Lite is a condensed version of the Sustainability Culture Indicator.

Developed in 2021, this new addition to Awake’s toolkit offers organisations the option of completing a pulse-type measure of how well sustainability is embedded in the culture.

Although smaller in stature, the SCI-Lite is based on a robust methodology, with items selected from the full SCI based on their statistical relevance and importance in evaluating sustainability in the organisational culture.  

Ideal for...

  • Tracking  your progress between implementations of the full SCI
  • Managing “survey fatigue”
  • Adding as a sustainability scale to a longer employee survey
  • Surveying a sample of employees

Smaller, yet powerful

  • Measures all 13 enablers from the Sustainability Culture Model
  • Includes 4 behavioural questions and the option for respondents to rank priority actions and barriers
  • 5 minutes completion time


Results with impact

  • Benchmark against the same organisations as the full SCI
  • Simple report with item analysis, behavioural correlations and year-on-year comparison where applicable